Manning River Times

From miscarriage to miracles: A must read for parents redefining birth stories

A new book, The Complete Australian Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, is now helping modern parents. Picture by Shutterstock
A new book, The Complete Australian Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, is now helping modern parents. Picture by Shutterstock

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Australian parents-to-be have long sought out help books for advice in preparing themselves for what to expect when it comes to pregnancy and birth.

In any book store they'll find all the usual suspects, but one has now hit the market in Australia that offers a modern look at the journey towards parenthood no matter the circumstance.

The Complete Australian Guide to Pregnancy and Birth by Sophie Walker, founder of popular birth podcast Australian Birth Stories, highlights first-hand stories of pregnancy and birth journeys of same-sex couples, solo motherhood, infertility battles to indigenous mothers.

The book tackles taboo issues - miscarriage and grief - typically under-represented in conversation in public forums.

Since releasing the book, Sophie has already received messages from women who have had miscarriages who have expressed their gratitude for the coverage of hard-to-discuss topics.

With a birth pain and trauma inquiry happening in NSW the importance of education for pregnant mothers is more pertinent than it has ever been,

Sophie believes change may come about because pregnant and birthing women ask questions and know which questions to ask, they advocate for their care and their birth preferences.

Sophie runs the popular birth podcast Australian Birth Stories and online pregnancy and birth education classes. It is a virtual village for women to share their stories.

She has utilised her Masters in Public Health and passion for positive birth experiences to create an ongoing impact in the Australian birth space.

Her classes have supported over 7000 parents to prepare and recover from pregnancy.

Purchase your copy of the book here.