Manning River Times

5 Simple ways to give your living space a makeover

5 Simple ways to give your living space a makeover
5 Simple ways to give your living space a makeover

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One of the best things you can highlight in your home is your living area, especially since this is where you may spend most of your days together. Whether you're having a movie night or just want to hang around with your family, the living area would be there to accommodate you.

If you've been living in your house for some time, you may be tired of what your living space looks like. With that, it may be time for a makeover.

While renovating your entire living room is an idea you want to consider, it may be more expensive and require a handful of work. If you cannot afford to move into another place just to renovate your living room, there are simple ways to make your living room look fresh.

Listed below are the simple ways to give your living space a quick makeover:

1. Update Wall Decorations

If your living space's wall still uses old wall decorations, you should consider changing them and give your room a fresh new look. While your paintings might seem to be a small addition to your living space, once you're able to change them into something new, it'll instantly boost the appearance of your living room, giving it a good makeover.

For your wall decorations, you can choose to go with modern, classical, or abstract art. You may visit The Canvas Art Factory and similar art shops to find a piece that will suit your overall theme.

Apart from paintings, you can also choose to add in a wall or other decals instead. Alternatively, if you have children who enjoy painting on canvas, you might want to give them enough recognition and appreciation by putting their art against the wall. You can update them every time they paint something new, encouraging their art skills and making them happy about your support.

2. Repaint The Walls

While it may be a major work, repainting your living space walls is a simple room makeover you can do for your living space. All you need to do is move your furniture around, protect areas in your household you don't want any paint on, such as your sideboards, windows, doors, and fireplace frames, and begin painting to a brand-new colour.

5 Simple ways to give your living space a makeover
5 Simple ways to give your living space a makeover

As you repaint your walls, ensure that you wear protective gear and keep your children away from the area as the smell can harm their bodies. Moreover, for a simpler act, you can choose to paint a single side of the wall to give your space a unique yet brand-new environment.

3. Add Indoor Plants

One way you can bring life inside your living space is by adding indoor plants. In this way, you can allow your room to have a touch of greenery without having to take down the walls in your living area. As you add indoor plants, try to keep the perfect balance of everything. If you add in too much, it might make the room jungle-looking rather than just be nature-inspired.

Before purchasing the best indoor plants inside your home, you should first find out the care they need to survive. Some may need direct light while others survive in the dark. In this way, you can identify where you can place your plants, allowing them to stay alive for as long as possible.

4. Declutter

To give your living space an instant makeover, you should begin decluttering everything inside. You'd be surprised how your living room would transform once you're able to throw out the clutter away. This would be the cheapest and fastest way to give your living room a makeover without having to add things inside.

As you declutter, you should put the things you need to throw away, donate, or keep in separate boxes. In this way, you can practice organization and avoid mixing broken stuff into items that you can bring to the donation. With this small practice, you can keep your home neat while being able to give help to those who need it.

5. Change Your Rug

If your home uses a rug as a part of the table's centrepiece, you should consider changing them into a different colour or design. This small piece will help to give your living space an instant makeover, especially that it takes a huge part of your room. With your old rug, you can choose to sell it to a thrift store or date them to charity. However, ensure that you clean and vacuum them well before handing them to their new owners.

As you change your rug, ensure that you purchase the right size for your living area. You can even choose to play with various shapes and see which one would look best in your living space. Moreover, you shouldn't forget to clean them by vacuuming the entire rug daily and deep cleaning every month to prevent any allergic reactions.


If you're tired of seeing the same view of your living space every day, there are a few upgrades that you could do without breaking the bank. While some processes may be more extensive, they'll instantly help give your living space a boost. As you redecorate your home, try to keep your family involved so they can help with decluttering and adding their art up on the wall.