Manning River Times

What are the most valuable business skills for new entrepreneurs

What are the most valuable business skills for new entrepreneurs
What are the most valuable business skills for new entrepreneurs

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So, you're thinking of starting your own business and you're trying to figure out your personal road to business success.

Congrats - that makes you a budding entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is someone who not just builds and operates their own business but is also in charge of make or break financial, career and emotional risks that build the foundations of a long-lasting business.

With so much at stake, entrepreneurs need to develop critical skills in order to be successful, and those very skills are exactly what we'll be considering here.

1. Willingness to learn

So you've graduated with a Masters In Business Analytics, and you think that you're well equipped with everything you need to know about running a successful business.

Well, you're right but also a little wrong. To be a successful and thriving entrepreneur, you need to be willing to learn, adapt and understand that education is a lifelong process.

Ensuring that you are always keeping up with the latest trends, technologies and sales processes will help you stay on top of your game and greatly increase the chances of your business having a bright and long lasting future.

As Leonardo Da Vinci once said, "learning never exhausts the mind".

2. Excellent communication skills

As an entrepreneur, you'll be spending a lot of time sharing your ideas with potential clients and investors.

Therefore, ensuring that you master your communication skills is key. Whether you're a one-man show or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, being an effective communicator is a vital skill that will assist you in communicating the value of your company.

You'll also have to master all forms of communication - from face to face to emails, written communication and online messages. For some handy tips on how to sharpen your communication skills, click here.

3. Resilience

Starting, running and sustaining a successful business doesn't come easy. In fact, you're bound to encounter a number of hurdles, difficulties and setbacks along the way.

What separates a successful entrepreneur from just another failed business owner is one thing, and one thing only - resilience.

Handling rejection, stress, burnout and slow progress are all unpleasant things that you are sure to encounter along your journey.

At the same time, these bumps along the road are also fundamental in teaching you valuable lessons that will set you up for even bigger success in the future.

Determination and eagerness are your best friends, so be sure to turn up with them every single day and to take those valuable yet lesson teaching challenges in stride.

4. Courage and risk-taking

You know what they say - life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Take Bill Gates, for example: not only did he drop out of college to start Microsoft, but he even went up against Steve Jobs and was not threatened to borrow ideas from other great innovators and tech companies.

It paid off, too - Microsoft became one of the world's biggest tech giants, with its worth nearing $2 trillion in market value as of April 2021.

To harness the power of your creativity, you're going to need to become comfortable with taking risks.

Leap and the net will appear; don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the unfamiliar because you never just never know where it may lead you.

5. Business strategy

Last but not least, the final ingredient you need for your recipe to success is a solid business strategy.

Your business strategy creates a vision for the future of your business and will contain key principles and outlines on how your company plans to attain a number of goals.

Strategies help you identify potential challenges and help develop plans for overcoming any obstacle that stands in your way. Master this, and you'll be well on your way to new levels of success.


Finding a successful path as an entrepreneur isn't always a straight and narrow process.

By mastering a combination of the various skills, traits and knowledge that we have touched on in this article, you will be well on your way to success with your entrepreneurial efforts.